Useful Information

Seoul weather in May is in midst of spring. Temperature is expected to range from 13℃ to 23℃. Various flowers bloom in the mild and warm spring weather; azaleas, forsythias, and fragrant Magnolia. People enjoy going on a picnic to mountains and parks which are painted in bright colors. It is warm and dry. Relative humidity is 30 - 46%.

The standard voltage in Korea is 220 volts at 60 Hertz, and the outlet has two round holes. You can purchase a multi-voltage travel adapter at the airport, retail stores, or convenience stores.

Currency and Credit Cards
The unit of Korean currency is Won (₩). Foreign currency can be exchanged into Korean Won (KRW) at foreign exchange banks and other authorized money exchangers. Credit cards, including VISA, American Express, Diners Club, Master Card and JCB, are accepted at major hotels, department stores, and restaurants.

Tax and Tipping
Value Added Tax (VAT) is levied on most goods at a standard rate of 10%. In major tourist spots, a 10% VAT plus a 10% service charge is added to the bills. Tipping is not necessary in hotels or taxis.

WiFi Service
Internet service is often provided in public places such as airports, train stations, and bus terminals in Korea. Fast food restaurants, cafes, or stores are also good places to access to WiFi. It is of course available on site during the conference.

Travel Insurance
The organizers take no liability for personal injuries or loss or damage to property belonging to the participants, either during or as a result of the event. Participants are advised to take out proper travel and health insurance before leaving their home country.

<Sources from Korea Tourism Organization>