Call for Special Sessions

Special Session Proposals

As part of the GSMM 2022 technical program, Special Sessions will highlight emerging new technical topics that are gaining importance and are of high interest to the millimeter-wave antennas and THz technologies community. Special Sessions encompass a wide range of topics, and may either involve a specific emerging technology or cover several technologies that are relevant to millimeter-wave and terahertz applications. Topics of emerging technologies that are of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Millimeter-Wave Antennas and Passive Devices
• Millimeter-Wave Active Devices and ICs
• Sub-millimeter-wave and THz Technologies
• Millimeter-Wave and THz Communications
• Millimeter-Wave and THz Sensing
• Other Related Topics

Special Session Proposal Submission
The Special Session proposal including a provisional list of authors can be submitted to the secretariat, using the template provided. Special Sessions are expected not to have more than one paper from session organizer’s institution or more than one paper from session organizer as an author or co-author. If you would like to organize a Special Session, please complete the proposal form below and send it to GSMM 2022 Secretariat ([email protected]).

The Proposal Submission Deadline is January 15, 2022. Notifications of proposal acceptance will be made on January 31, 2022. Organizers of accepted proposals are requested to instruct their authors to submit their papers by February 5, 2022, and choose the Special Session (as applicable) category on the EDAS system. Paper submission and review procedure of the special sesison papers will go the same as those of regular papers on the EDAS system.

Special Session Chairs
• Wonbin Hong, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
• Seok Bong Hyun, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)

Click here for the Special Session Proposal Form.