Welcome to GSMM 2022!

May 18 - 20 • Seoul Korea

Important Dates

February 5, 2022
• Preliminary paper submission due
• Abstract submission due
March 6, 2022
• Notification of Acceptance
March 31, 2022
• Final Manuscript submission due

Call for Papers

Download the Call for Papers.

Paper Submission

• Paper Format
• How to Upload
• EDAS system open for paper submission

For more information, click here.

GSMM 2022 Video

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Short Course Lecturers

Sangwook Nam
Seoul National University

“94 GHz Lightweight Radar and Signal Processing Techniques for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”

Wooram Lee
Penn State University

“Integrated Circuits for Silicon-based mmWave Phased Arrays”

Wooyeol Choi
Oklahoma State University

“Compact CMOS Transceiver Pixels for Active Terahertz Imaging”

Ickhyun Song
Hanyang University

“Wideband Circuits and Systems for Advanced Phased-Array Applications”

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